WVWC takes our students financial wellness seriously. Students will find the following information helpful in building their financial future for before, during and after college.

Our commitment to maintaining financial wellness is a lifelong process. Our goal is to provide you with information that will expand your personal finance knowledge choices related to financing college. The following resources, and other tools we provide from experts contribute to the overall health and wellness of the WVWC community and assist in your financial decision-making.

The College has developed many resources to support you in attaining your degree. The Financial Aid Office on campus should be the first stop for any student needing help paying for college. The faculty and staff of West Virginia Wesleyan College are also committed to student success. Ask for help. They want you to achieve your degree goal(s).

The internet is bursting with information on virtually every financial literacy topic. Below, you’ll find information to some of our favorite sources.

Financial Aid Resources

FinAid — A comprehensive guide to financial aid on the web.

StudentAid.gov — Offers a wealth of information from applying to colleges to learning the many plans a borrower can utilize to best repay their loans. In addition, directions, tips and definitions are provided for filling out the FAFSA, assessing loan eligibility, and deciding how financial aid can make college a reality.

Responsible Borrowing

Repayment: What to Expect Video

Repayment: How to Manage Your Student Loans Video

Loan Calculator Payoff Estimator — determines your monthly payments on your student loans.

Other Student Loan Calculators

Financial Literacy Resources

Cost of Living Calculator  — Want to see how much more/less it will cost to live in a city when you graduate? Check out this calculator.

Budgeting Video

Better Money Habits — Great site that provides well-produced personal finance lessons on any topic you can think of. A great tool for those that are visual learners.

Mint — This site helps you to see where your money goes and keep track of your budget.

Feed the Pig — This site provides tips and interactive tools to remind you to feed that piggy bank.

Great Advice for Parents– This publication contains information and advice to parents as they help their students prepare for and finance their college education.

Council of Graduate Schools — Website provides research, data, and links to information regarding financial literacy geared towards Graduate students.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) — This website has an abundance of resources specifically for college students and reminds you government regulations are in place to protect you.

Consumer Affairs — Want to stay up to date on consumer news and resources? To avoid trouble or resolve problems, check out this site to get verified consumer reviews and information on all the latest products and services.

Career Resources

Career Services — Information about career services at WVWC as well as links to specific career service offices based on their affiliation.

NACE Salary Calculator — Get a good understanding as to how much money you can expect to make after you graduate based on your location, experience, and education. Just remember that you should be looking at the starting salary, and not the median or the top.


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